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Predictive Control with Constraints
by Jan Maciejowski
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Results Predictive Control with Constraints
Model predictive control Wikipedia Model predictive control MPC is an advanced method of process control that is used to control a process while satisfying a set of constraints It has been in use in the process industries in chemical plants and oil refineries since the 1980s Predictive control with constraints PDF Free Download Predictive control with constraints Maciejowski PrenticeHall Pearson Education Limited Harlow UK 2002 ISBN 0201398230 PPR The subject covered by the book Model Predictive Control MPC has become very popular both in academy and industry As pointed out by the author “MPC is the only advanced control technique to have a Predictive Control With Constraints ResearchGate Model predictive control MPC is the most popular advanced control methodology and it has been proved to be very suitable to solve complex multivariable control problems with constraints Maciejowski Predictive Control with Constraints Pearson Model predictive control is an indispensable part of industrial control engineering and is increasingly the ‘method of choice’ for advanced control applications Jan Maciejowski’s book provides a systematic and comprehensive course on predictive control suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students and professional engineers Predictive Control with Constraints Software Basic software using MATLAB and Control Toolbox only as described in Chapter 1 basicmpcm Basic predictive control of SISO system without constraints This file is printed in full in Appendix B of the book trackmpcm Basic predictive control with offsetfree tracking Model Predictive Control with Constraints ECE5590 Model Predictive Control with Constraints 5–9 Lagrange Multipliers One approach to minimizing the objective function subject to equality constraints is to augment the original function with the equality constraint multiplied by a Lagrange multiplier vector J D 1 2 xtEx CxtF C